Monday, August 18, 2008

How to Get an iPhone

Want to talk your parents (or someone!) into buying you an iPhone?
pssssst! We've done the research for you!

The top five bargaining points:

  1. It will support Wi-Fi around the world -- perfect for getting in touch via email with Mom and Day when you head off to Paris on that student exchange program next semester.
  2. Maps are excellent for studying geography! When you get bored waiting for your parents to pick you up, you can play around and find out where Uganda is.
  3. It's cheaper than a computer!
  4. With easy Google access, and a word document program at your fingertips, you can write your English essays no matter where you are.
  5. The calendar is ready to go; anyone can send you an event and you'll be notified immediately (you won't have any more excuses as to why you can't go visit you-know-who).

    Need five more?.... come on over to Girls' Life magazine to get more bargaining points to help you get that iPhone.

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