Wednesday, August 27, 2008

How to Tell if your Boyfriend is a Lying, Cheating Skunk!

We are up to our necks in girls asking us about their boyfriends. Turns out that teenage boys like to date lots of girls... not just one! Ack! So how do you tell if he's not telling you the truth when he says, "Babe, you're the only one"? Easy. Check out the facial rules here:

And don't worry if you don't like the answer. It's natural for guys and gals to want to see other people... so just take it with a grain of salt, remain friends, and see other people yourself. You'll be surprised what will happen in a couple of years when he really is ready to settle down. He'll remember YOU!

For more advice on boys, come to Girls' Life magazines, Guyville!

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